August 2024
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Hackers Are Targeting Small Construction Companies And Other Invoice-Heavy Businesses
Hackers are increasingly focusing on small, invoice-heavy industries like construction, manufacturing, and healthcare due to their inherent vulnerabilities. By understanding the factors driving these attacks and implementing strong cybersecurity practices, small business leaders can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim. Implementing MFA, adopting rigorous cybersecurity practices, verifying supplier information, and regularly training employees are key steps in defending against these threats. Read more…
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What Do You Do When A Company Compromises Your Data?
AI isn’t coming – it’s arrived. Driven by billions in investment and some of the brightest minds on the planet, it’s reshaping the business landscape in ways we’re only beginning to understand. Choosing not to integrate AI into business operations would be like refusing to use e-mail in the 1990s. Without it, you might soon find yourself in a world you don’t know how to work in. Read more…
July 2024
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5 Annoying Tasks You Can Automate Right Now
Automate tedious tasks to free up time for creative work. Start with your email: use filters, labels, and scheduling tools to manage your inbox efficiently. Automate appointment scheduling with calendar tools that allow clients to book directly and send reminders. Streamline bookkeeping by using software to import transactions, generate reports, and integrate with banks. By automating these tasks, you can reduce the time spent on routine activities and focus on more strategic projects. Read more…
June 2024
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How To Put Generative AI To Work For Your Business
AI isn’t coming – it’s arrived. Driven by billions in investment and some of the brightest minds on the planet, it’s reshaping the business landscape in ways we’re only beginning to understand. Choosing not to integrate AI into business operations would be like refusing to use e-mail in the 1990s. Without it, you might soon find yourself in a world you don’t know how to work in. Read more…
May 2024
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Why 60% Of Data Backups Fail Businesses When They Need Them Most
From natural disasters and cyber-attacks to accidental deletion, there are many reasons a business needs to back up its data. However, Avast’s latest findings on disaster recovery highlight an alarming issue for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs): 60% of data backups are not fully successful, and half of the attempts to recover data from these backups don’t work. This leads to businesses being offline for an average of 79 minutes, costing them roughly $84,650 for every hour of downtime. Read more…
April 2024
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3 Cyber Security Myths That Will Hurt Your Business This Year
Working amid the ever-changing currents of technology and cyber security, businesses often find themselves entangled in a web of misinformation and outdated ideas. But failing to distinguish between myth and fact can put your business’s security at serious risk. Based on expert research in the field, including CompTIA’s 2024 global State Of Cybersecurity report, we will debunk three common misconceptions that threaten to derail your success in 2024. Read more…
March 2024
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Trust Is The New Currency – How Wealthy Are You?
Nearly half (46%) of consumers say they’ll consider another brand if data practices are unclear, according to the McKinsey survey. On the flip side, organizations prioritizing digital trust are more likely to experience a 10% annual boost to their top and bottom lines. Listen to your customers. Prioritize a trust-based approach to your business and digital security, and you’re not just winning trust now, you’re setting up for years of loyal customers. Read more…
February 2024
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Show Some Love To Your Business Continuity Plan
There is absolutely no company – big or small – that’s not at risk of a disaster. According to a 2022 threat report by ConnectWise, nearly two in three midsize businesses experienced a ransomware attack in the last 18 months. One in five victims spent $250,000 or more to recover. The odds are not in your favor when it comes to business risk. Read more…
January 2024
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A “Culture Of Appreciation” Improves Work And Customer Loyalty
We can all agree that appreciation is important, but how you show it matters. Appreciation isn’t a one-and-done event. (Sorry, but your annual Christmas party or Facebook customer appreciation post doesn’t cover it.) To reap the benefits of appreciation in your organization, you must weave it into company culture. Read more…
December 2023
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AI Wants To Help Us Shop – Are We Okay With That?
One in six shoppers uses generative AI to inspire shopping decisions, according to a 2023 Salesforce survey. However, data by SAP Emarsys reports that barely more than half of consumers feel it positively impacts their online shopping experience. What is generative AI, and what does it mean for our holiday shopping – and our privacy? Read more…
November 2023
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Here’s What Google Maps Timeline Knows About You (And It’s More Than You Think)
With Google Maps Timeline, you can go back to any day and see in detail where you were, when and for how long. For example, the map will show you when you left work, got home and any pit stops you made. It can also tell if you traveled by bike, car, train or bus. If you haven’t changed the settings, this information may have been stored for YEARS. This kind of tracking is helpful if you forget the name of that new lunch place you visited last month with the great chicken wrap. However, if you care about your privacy and prefer not to have your home address or daily jogging routine under Google’s watchful eye, you need to turn this feature OFF. Read more…
October 2023
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4 things to do now to prevent your cyber insurance claims from being denied
“Thank goodness” is probably what Illinois-based manufacturing company ICS thought about having a cyber insurance policy with Travelers Insurance after a data breach in 2022.But after claims investigators pulled out heir microscopes, they found that ICS failed to use multi-factor authentication(MFA) across all digital assets, which they had agreed to do in their policy. Travelers sued ICS and won. The policy was rescinded, and so were ICS’s feelings of gratitude, which likely evolved into worried whispers of “Oh, crap.”
Smart businesses like yours are adding cyber insurance to their policies because they know good security hygiene is just as much a competitive advantage as a way to reduce business risk. But with cyber insurance premiums steadily increasing – they rose 62% last year alone – you want to make sure your claim is paid when you need it most. Read more…
September 2023
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How To Safely Share Passwords With Employees
If you ask a security professional, you get by-the book advice about sharing passwords: “Don’t share passwords.” But we know, in reality, that doesn’t work. Your office might be sharing a single password for apps like SurveyMonkey right now to save cash on buying additional users, and some social media accounts don’t even give you the option to have multiple log-ins. Sharing passwords in your office is sometimes necessary for collaboration, and the best way to do this is by using a password manager. Affordable (some platforms even offer free versions), layered with security and simple to use, password managers are the safest and easiest way to store and share your company’s private passwords. Read more…
August 2023
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Prepare Your Kids For A Successful School Year Tech Tips To Maximize Learning Potential
Back-to-school season has finally arrived, and it won’t be long before our kids are back in the classroom, learning all sorts of different subjects. Although it’s an exciting time for our kids, this transition back to school is often difficult. Many of them enjoy summer more than any other time of year because they get more freedom to participate in their favorite activities. When school starts, they have additional responsibilities to keep up with to ensure future success.
As a parent, you play a vital role in your child’s success, and there are some tech strategies you can use to help give them an advantage. Whether we like it or not, technology plays a part in our children’s education and lives, so it’s in our best interests to get familiar with the tech our kids use regularly and create guidelines to ensure they stay on task.
We’ve gathered some of our favorite back-to-school tech tips to help you prepare your children for a successful school year.
July 2023
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Get The IT Help You Deserve 5 Questions You Should Hear ‘Yes’ To
As a business owner, you likely carefully vet every employee you hire to work for your business. You inspect their résumé and ask detailed questions during their interview to ensure they are the best fit. This is critical to growing your business and making it as successful as possible, but you shouldn’t solely reserve this practice for potential new hires. You also need to carefully assess any third parties you work with, especially when it comes to your IT needs. More…
June 2023
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Get Ready To Maximize Efficiency With Help From Co-Managed IT Services
IT services are necessary for every business in the country – IT companies help businesses protect their data, ensure day-to-day operations run smoothly, increase productivity across the board and keep up-to-date with the latest technology trends and updates. Without IT services, your business can fall prey to hackers and cybercriminals bent on stealing your company’s and clients’ personal information. But if you don’t have IT services, where do you even start looking? More…
May 2023
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Work Smarter, Not Harder
In today’s fast-paced world, it can be challenging to stay focused and productive. With constant distractions from social media, email notifications and other online temptations, it’s no surprise that many people struggle to get things done. Fortunately, technology can also be an asset to help you stay on task and reach your goals, regardless of whether you’re trying to accomplish things in the workplace or in your personal life. By using the right tools and strategies, you can harness the power of technology to boost your productivity and stay focused on important tasks. More…
April 2023
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What Compliance Standards Does Your Business Need To Maintain?
Compliance standards are some of the most important things a business needs to maintain to be profitable and well-respected while staying out of legal trouble. Failure to meet these standards will make your business susceptible to fines and legal action. You’ll also take a hit on your reputation as customers, vendors and competitors may find your business to be untrustworthy. By enforcing compliance, you’re working to promote ethical behavior while protecting the rights of your employees, customers and other stakeholders. more…
March 2023
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Improve Your Cyber Security Awareness
If you’ve turned on the news sometime during the past few years, you’ve probably heard of more than one instance where a business closed due to a cyber-attack. You may think your business is small enough and hackers won’t target you, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. more…
February 2023
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Give Your Business the Protection It Needs with Cyber Insurance
Being at risk for cyber-attacks is a growing concern among small-business owners. Cybercriminals often target small businesses because they hold sensitive information and have weaker security infrastructures than larger businesses. For this reason and more, it should be no surprise that 88% of small-business owners feel vulnerable to a cyber-attack, according to a recent survey conducted by the U.S. Small Business Administration.
January 2023
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Prepare Your Business For A Successful 2023 With These 3 New Year’s Tech Resolutions
If you don’t have goals for 2023, there’s no better time than the first month of the year to make them. Whether you want to increase sales, customer loyalty or another essential key performance indicator, you must be intentional about your resolutions. If you keep it vague, you probably won’t achieve your goals, so you need to be specific and start small. From there, you can build on your foundation until you’ve reached your objective.
December 2022
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Give Your Business An Advantage In 2023 By Paying Attention To Important IT News And Trends Of 2022
The year 2022 was a big one for IT, experiencing growth in all areas, especially for infrastructure in remote work due to the pandemic. When businesses fail to have updated IT infrastructure in place, regardless of company size or location, their customers’ and employees’ sensitive information is at risk. By investing in proper IT infrastructure, businesses can improve productivity while saving money. It’s a win-win situation.
November 2022
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Upgrade Your Network And Quickly Experience These 4 Amazing Benefits
If you own or operate a business, you’ve probably adapted to a number of changes over the years. As you inch closer to year-end, it’s time to figure out what still needs to be done. One of those potential changes might be an upgrade to your network infrastructure.
October 2022
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What Makes a Strong Password? And Why Do I Need One?
Think about some of your private accounts right now. Chances are that you have an e-mail, social media accounts, bank account and more that are all password-protected. Do you share passwords across different accounts, and are your passwords strong enough to keep cybercriminals away from your private information? If not, it might be time to evaluate.
September 2022
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Back To School! The 4 Cyber Security Trainings You Must Do With ALL Employees
It’s back-to-school season! Soon, our kids will return to the classroom, where they will relearn the information from the prior school year to ensure that they were able to retain that knowledge. There’s nothing wrong with needing a refresher, and this is true for both students and your employees.
August 2022
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Creating A Safe Online Presence For Your Children
Children in this day and age are growing up in a technological climate that many of us never could have imagined 20 years ago. Kids who were born during the last decade will never know a world where everyone doesn’t have a cellphone on them at all times. They’ll never truly understand what the world was like before the Internet.
July 2022
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Compliance And Cyber Security: Why Both Are Important
As we progress through 2022, more and more GenZers will be entering the workforce. When millennials entered the workforce, we saw different attitudes and behaviors than ever before, and we should expect GenZers to come with their own uniqueness and differences.
June 2022
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Why Gen Z Could Pose a Threat to Your Company’s Security
As we progress through 2022, more and more GenZers will be entering the workforce. When millennials entered the workforce, we saw different attitudes and behaviors than ever before, and we should expect GenZers to come with their own uniqueness and differences.
May 2022
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Keep Your Business Compliant By Following These Steps
Compliance is incredibly important for any business. A failure to remain compliant can spell doom for any business, regardless of size. Being compliant is the act of following certain established rules, regulations, laws and guidelines. But what many business owners don’t realize is that compliance and security go hand in hand.
April 2022
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5 Ways Technology Can Take You To The Next Level
It’s nearly impossible to run a business in today’s climate without using up-to-date technology. This doesn’t necessarily mean bringing in the best computers, printers and other pieces of hardware needed to run a successful business. Instead, it means you should utilize the most current software and programs to ensure nothing falls through the cracks.
March 2022
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The 3 Options for IT Support and How to Choose the One that Fits Your Business
If you’re a business owner or planning to open a new business, chances are you have looked into IT support options. For those unfamiliar with the world of IT support, it can be confusing trying to figure out which option is best for your business. You might be interested in the most cost-efficient option but worry that it won’t offer enough support.
February 2022
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Cyber Security Is More Important Now Than Ever – Is Your Business Prepared?
Over the past few years, instances of cyberthreats have increased at an alarming rate, and they don’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon.
January 2022
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3 Great IT Resolutions For The New Year
As the new year kicks off, many business owners and entrepreneurs are making their New Year’s resolutions. Most of these business owners will be focused on increasing profits or expanding growth, but it would be wise to focus on some IT- or tech-related resolutions as well.
December 2021
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Hackers are Stepping Up Their Game This Holiday Season
The holiday season has almost arrived, and more Americans are expected to turn to online shopping this year than ever before. The ongoing pandemic, combined with convenience, makes online shopping an obvious choice for most consumers.
November 2021
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The Easiest Way to Disaster-Proof your Cyber Security
Though no one would dispute the increasing prevalence of cyber-attacks on businesses in recent years, many small-business owners believe themselves and their business to be immune to such attacks. Broadly speaking, many small-business owners are likely to think that cybercriminals will go after the bigger fish. Unfortunately it is far from the truth.
October 2021
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Want to Make Sure your Business is Protected From a Data Disaster?
Did you know that 93% of all businesses – that don’t have a disaster recovery plan in place when they experience a data disaster – go out of business within a year of that disaster? And yet, 68% of businesses don’t have a disaster recovery plan in place.
September 2021
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A Flexible Partnership with IT Professionals
It’s hard to see how investing in your company’s IT services would be as incentivizing as other investments that might deliver a more tangible ROI. However, ensuring that your IT department has a competent team that’s up-to-date on the latest cyber security knowledge and has access to the latest software to allow them to do their jobs well is a sounder investment than you might think.
August 2021
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Beat the Heat! How the Dog Days of Summer Can Wreak Havoc on Your Technology
The dog days of summer are here, and it’s hot out! Homeowners and business owners alike are bracing for their upcoming power bills as they run their air conditioners around the clock trying to keep cool. But for many business owners, it’s not just about keeping your team cool – it’s also about keeping your technology cool.
July 2021
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Take your Business to the Next Level with These Technology Solutions
When you set goals for your business this year, there’s a good chance one of those goals was tied to growth. It’s a common goal. You have your eyes set on acquiring new customers. You’re ready to take their business to the next level. The challenge, however, is getting to that next level. If you do a web search on how to grow your business, you’ll find more results than you know what to do with. It can be frustrating and overwhelming.
June 2021
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Don’t Let your Employees Become your Biggest Vulnerability
A couple years ago, TechRepublic ran a story with the following headline: “Employees are Almost as Dangerous to Business as Hackers and Cybercriminals.” From the perspective of the business, you might think that’s simply inaccurate. Your company strives to hire the best people it can find – people who are good at their jobs and would never dream of putting their own employer at risk.
May 2021
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Is Lack of a Cyber Security Policy Leaving You Open to Attacks?
Every business, big or small, should have a cyber security policy in place for its employees. Employees need to know what’s acceptable and what isn’t when it comes to all things IT. The policy should set expectations, lay out rules and give employees the resources necessary to put the policy to work.
April 2021
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What Is Co-Managed IT? Is It Right For You?
When it comes to IT solutions, most businesses rely on one of three options. They have a dedicated in-house IT employee or team, an outsourced managed services provider (MSP) or nothing at all. There is, however, a fourth option: Co-Managed IT. This is an efficient and reliable option for most small to mid-size businesses with internal IT Team.
March 2021
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Questions to Ask Any IT “Expert” Before Letting Them Touch Your IT!
There are seemingly countless IT services providers to choose from these days, and it can be challenging to tell one from another. However, not all IT services providers are created equal. Some offer independent services, while others are part of larger firms. Some are new to the field, while others have been around for years. There are also companies that put out slick marketing to grab your attention but make it hard to tell if they really live up to the hype.
February 2021
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Remote Work Without Exposing your Business to Cybercriminals
A record number of businesses embraced the remote work model as they adapted to the new COVID-19 reality. It was a huge shift that came with many challenges, and some of those challenges are still felt today.
January 2021
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Finally Shed the Old This Year – It is Costing You Much More Than You Think
When was the last time you updated your technology? Between your hardware and software, if you are still doing business on older technology, you could be putting yourself at risk, and it could end up costing you big. As we begin a new year, it’s time to take a close look at the tech you rely on every day.
While many small businesses tend to put off major technology purchases due to the upfront costs, by doing so, you may be opening yourself up to major costs down the road. These are hidden costs that businesses don’t always consider when they decide to “hold off” on investing in new equipment or the latest software.
See five ways outdated technology can take a toll on your business. Read More below.
December 2020
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4 Critical Cyber Security Protections EVERY Business Must Have in Place NOW to Avoid Being Hacked
Did you know the average website is attacked 94 times every day? As cybercriminals become better equipped with more advanced technology, that number will increase. Small-business websites (and small businesses, in general) are the most at risk for attack. Small businesses are tempting targets because SMB websites are often a direct link to that SMB’s network, where all kinds of goodies are stored, including sensitive business and customer data.
This is data cybercriminals want.
Cybercriminals and hackers can be aggressive when it comes to attempting to access your network and data. They use malware, ransomware, phishing scams, bot attacks and even direct attacks to get to your data. If you do not have protections in place against these kinds of incursions, you are putting your business in harm’s way.
November 2020
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Making This One Mistake with Your Computer Network Could Put You Out of Business
How do you handle network issues? If you are like most small businesses, you wait until something breaks or goes wrong before getting an IT services company on the phone. At a glance, it makes sense. Why pay to fix something if it isn’t broken?
Sadly, this way of thinking can do more harm than good, and it has taken many businesses out of commission.
When you get right down to it, there are two possible ways to handle network security:
- By being reactive
- By being proactive
One of these costs significantly more than the other and can destroy a business. You can probably guess which one we are talking about.
October 2020
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The #1 Mistake Your Employees Are Making Today That Lets Cybercriminals into Your Network
We all make mistakes. It is a fact of life. But as we all know, some mistakes can have serious and lasting consequences – especially when it comes to business, cyber security and the constant cyberthreats that are out there.
While some businesses have invested heavily in cyber security, many have not. When it comes to network and data security, one of the most vulnerable areas of the economy is small businesses
More often than not, small businesses simply do not go all-in when it comes to IT security. Some fear they do not have the budget and worry that IT security is too expensive. Others do not take it seriously – they have an “it will never happen to me” attitude. Then there are those who invest in some security, but it is limited and still leaves them vulnerable in the long run.
September 2020
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Sneaky Ways Cybercriminals Attack Your Network and What You Can Do to Prevent it NOW!
If you own a small business, your business is a target for hackers. According to a report by 4iQ, a cyber security analyst firm, from 2017 to 2019, there was a 424% increase in the number of attacks on small businesses.
At the same time, a survey by The Manifest, a business analyst firm, found that 64% of small businesses intended to put more time and money into their IT security in 2020. Many business owners also noted an increase in attacks against their businesses and websites and were ready to do more to protect themselves.
August 2020
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Why NOT Investing in IT Can Cost You BIG!
If you haven’t invested in IT security, then your business is at risk.
These days, it is easy to take technology for granted. It just seems like everything works so well. If things are working well, why spend more on things like data monitoring or secure cloud storage?
Here is a startling fact: a lot of business owners take this approach to network security. They might think, “This will never happen to me,” when it comes to data breaches, malware, and hacker attacks. While they might be great at running their businesses, they may end up skimping on their IT security.
July 2020
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How to Avoid Getting Hacked by Cybercriminals and Protect Everything You’ve Worked So Hard to Achieve
Cybercriminals are always looking for new ways to steal data and make a buck at the expense of someone they have never met. They do not care if they ruin someone’s life or destroy a business in the process. This is why it is so important to stay up to date with the latest technology.
Cyber security threats are constantly evolving. If you let your software or hardware – or both – fall behind the times, then you put your business at serious risk. Five years ago, your malware protection might have been the best on the market. If you have not updated since then, you need to change that. Here is what you can do right now to protect everything you’ve worked so hard to achieve.
June 2020
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This Is The #1 Thing You Can Do to Prevent Cybercriminals from Hacking Your Network
There is one thing many small businesses do that puts them at risk for a cyber-attack. They take a reactive approach to IT security. They wait until something bad happens until they do anything.
Unfortunately, we live and work in a time when you can no longer be reactive to cyberthreats. Practically every small business is connected to the Internet and relies on a network to function. It’s the digital world we live in. We have to deal with hackers, data loss, equipment failure and everything else that goes with living in that digital world.
May 2020
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Cybercriminals Are Out in Full Force in Today’s Crazy Times — Here’s How to Stop Them
In the past couple of months, just about everyone has been forced to shift priorities. If you’re like many business owners, you are intently focused on pivoting your business to accommodate today’s “new normal.” In fact, you are probably investing so much of your time in trying to retain your customers and generate new cash flow that you barely have time to even think about cyber security.
The problem is that cybercriminals and hackers know there’s no better time to strike than during a global crisis. In fact, they’re probably working overtime to craft new malware while the rest of us are trying to manage how our lives have been turned upside down. While you are so focused on your business, these cyber thugs are finding new ways into your IT network so they can steal data and passwords, compromise your clients’ private information and even demand large ransoms.
April 2020
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Employees Are Letting Hackers into Your Network By Doing These 5 Things… Here is What You Can Do to Stop It!
If you run a small business, you are a target for cybercriminals. At this point, it is just a fact of life. Hackers, scammers, and cybercriminals of all kinds target small businesses because they are plentiful, and more often than not, they lack good cyber security (if they have any at all). Here’s the kicker: these criminals don’t need to use malicious code or advanced hacking skills to get what they want. In reality, many of them target your biggest vulnerability: your own employees.
It is a sad truth, but every day, employees of small businesses let hackers right in because they don’t know better. They see an e-mail from the boss, open it and click the link inside. By the time they realize they’ve made a mistake, they’re too embarrassed to say anything. From there, the problem gets worse. Actions like this can end in DISASTER for your business.
March 2020
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Clear Signs You are About to Get Hacked … And What to Do NOW to Prevent It
Do you use the same password for everything? If you do, you are not alone. We all have bad cyber habits, whether it is reusing passwords or connecting to unsecured WiFi. These habits can make it easy for hackers to steal our personal information and use it for their own purposes – or they can sell it on the dark web for an easy profit.
These are habits you have to stop right now – and habits your employees need to stop too. After all, good cyber security practices are a group effort! But using the same password for everything or using simple passwords are not the only things that are going to get you into trouble. Here are three more clear signs you are setting yourself up for a breach.
February 2020
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Top 3 Ways Hackers Will Attack Your Network
You might read the headline of this article and think, “That has to be an exaggeration.” Unfortunately, it is not. Every single day, small businesses are targeted by cybercriminals. These criminals look for vulnerable victims, then attack.
This is the world we live in today. It is one where cybercriminals regularly take advantage of small businesses. Why small businesses? They are the favorite target of hackers, scammers, and other cybercriminals because small businesses have a bad habit of NOT investing in cyber security.
January 2020
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3 Places You Should NEVER Cut Corners With IT
Cybercriminals are always looking for new ways to steal data and make a buck at the expense of someone they have never met. They do not care if they ruin someone’s life or destroy a business in the process. This is why it is so important to stay up to date with the latest technology.
Cyber security threats are constantly evolving. If you let your software or hardware – or both – fall behind the times, then you put your business at serious risk. Five years ago, your malware protection might have been the best on the market. If you have not updated since then, you need to change that. Here is what you can do right now to protect everything you’ve worked so hard to achieve.